Creative Visualisation Session 1:1


Gift yourself or a special person you care about, the greatest gift of all…T I M E.

Are you somebody who puts everybody else’s needs first?

Are you a person who selflessly marches on, to emotionally support everybody else before, if at all, you support yourself?

If you answered yes, I am here for you.

This creative visualisation is a peaceful, calm, yet invigorating experience where you will be guided to a place of absolute freedom, to explore what lays at the depths of your soul.

If you have ever felt lost, disconnected, or isolated throughout your journey of parenting, career change or moving countries, then you are in the right place. This is your permission to reconnect back to self.

The most beautiful surprise within this gift, is that the love you will experience has a flow on effect to all those around you.

This soul led creative visualisation is the gift that keeps giving.

Why? You are worthy.

I look forward to connecting with you soon.

  • Jen V xx

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Gift yourself or a special person you care about, the greatest gift of all…T I M E.

Are you somebody who puts everybody else’s needs first?

Are you a person who selflessly marches on, to emotionally support everybody else before, if at all, you support yourself?

If you answered yes, I am here for you.

This creative visualisation is a peaceful, calm, yet invigorating experience where you will be guided to a place of absolute freedom, to explore what lays at the depths of your soul.

If you have ever felt lost, disconnected, or isolated throughout your journey of parenting, career change or moving countries, then you are in the right place. This is your permission to reconnect back to self.

The most beautiful surprise within this gift, is that the love you will experience has a flow on effect to all those around you.

This soul led creative visualisation is the gift that keeps giving.

Why? You are worthy.

I look forward to connecting with you soon.

  • Jen V xx

Gift yourself or a special person you care about, the greatest gift of all…T I M E.

Are you somebody who puts everybody else’s needs first?

Are you a person who selflessly marches on, to emotionally support everybody else before, if at all, you support yourself?

If you answered yes, I am here for you.

This creative visualisation is a peaceful, calm, yet invigorating experience where you will be guided to a place of absolute freedom, to explore what lays at the depths of your soul.

If you have ever felt lost, disconnected, or isolated throughout your journey of parenting, career change or moving countries, then you are in the right place. This is your permission to reconnect back to self.

The most beautiful surprise within this gift, is that the love you will experience has a flow on effect to all those around you.

This soul led creative visualisation is the gift that keeps giving.

Why? You are worthy.

I look forward to connecting with you soon.

  • Jen V xx